


I am Polish Girl, author of this blog, which I started when I realised two things:

  1. I am not getting used to life in Hong Kong after living here for over a year and I might never get used to it and I need a place to vent.
  2. I am ready to start a family and even though I do not know if it’s even possible for me, I want to write about it.

I moved to Hong Kong in April 2017 together with my husband, who I will refer to as P. I work in an office, Monday to Friday, regular office hours. P. works on a 24-48 shift basis. What it means is that he works 24 hours and have 2 days off after that.

I was born in Kraków, Poland and P. comes from Hong Kong. We met in Dubai where we both worked for almost 3 years. I don’t speak Cantonese, but I’m learning. P. knows two or three sentences in Polish and seems fully satisfied with it.

We are trying to make Hong Kong our home and place where we can start a new family.




Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.